Life in Life Scientific…
UK News:
Early product planning is essential at any time to ensure continuous supply, however in the current situation with various sources of disruption from BREXIT, Covid and labour shortages it becomes even more important to plan ahead and plan earlier.
All Country and Development Leads met in the Lyon Life Scientific office at the end of February to discuss ways of working and our product development strategy for the future.
Commercial and Research & Development functions are working together to ensure our pipeline is stacked with the products that customers want most, including more reverse engineered “clones” but also novel combinations.
Our scientists are able to select the best bits from individual actives or co-formulated combinations to ensure we’re providing more choice, better quality and increased efficacy to everything we produce.
It’s a really exciting time for us as a company and we look forward to sharing more news with you in the future.
Product News:
Esker was launched last spring and is a combination of 160g/l prothioconazole and 80g/l tebuconazole.
Esker is a reverse engineered Kestrel and a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide with eradicant and protectant activity.
It is an emulsifiable concentrate formulation suitable for use alone or in combination with a wide range of other fungicides, herbicides and insecticides to provide effective control of key diseases and a reduction of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in wheat.
A maximum total dose of 2.0 l/ha Esker can be used in crops of oil seed rape and is particularly useful at the moment for phoma and light leaf spot control. Depending on dose, Esker can also add to the PGR strategy.
For more information including product label, safety data sheet and compatible tank mixes see the Life Scientific website or download the App to get product information direct to your phone.

Early Fungicide Options
Tebuconazole has a wide range of uses throughout the season but is a great option to set cereals off to a clean and cost effective start. Zonor, a reverse engineered Folicur with 250g/lt tebuconazole was launched last year and performed exceptionally well.
Zonor is an oil in water emulsion formulation suitable for use alone or in combination with a wide range of other fungicides, herbicides and insecticides to provide effective control of key diseases.
Studies show tank mixtures or alternation with other fungicides having a different mode of action can protect against the development of resistant forms of disease. Zonor can be used in a range of crops and situations to add strength to an anti resistance programme as well as enhanced disease control.
Zonor is a systemic fungicide and delivers both curative and preventative disease control, however it’s best used at the early stages of disease development before disease can spread to new growth.
Zonor can also be used as a plant growth regulation and canopy management product to reduce lodging and increase seed set in OSR. Even in the absence of disease yield benefits can be seen from applications of Zonor.
It has a range of strengths, for yellow and brown rust in cereals, apply Zonor at the first signs of disease to give best control. It can also be used to control Fusarium (ear disease complex) and reduce levels of micotoxins later in the programme.
For OSR, Zonor is a particularly effective plant growth regulator and can be applied in the autumn or at green bud stage in spring. It will also provide control for Light Leaf Spot and can be applied at 1.0 l/ha after GS20.
For field beans, Chocolate spot is a disease which develops rapidly and is difficult to control in dense crops. Zonor should be applied at or after GS 40 as a preventative application to protect yield.
Bean rust can be particularly damaging in spring bean crops. Zonor should be applied at the first signs of disease from early flowering.
In Field Decision Making
With an early start to the season for some and many spring crops already up and away, crop walking picks up a pace and in-field conditions are changing rapidly so it can be important to make the right decisions quickly and get the most out of available spray application windows.
The Life Scientific App is free to download and has all our product information available on your mobile device so you’re able to access the information you need in-field.
For all our products, the label information is available on the App showing crops, target timings, dose rates and species or diseases controlled. Every product has a compatibility sheet so tank mixes can be checked. EAMU’s for each product are also shown, if applicable.
Both Apple and Android versions are available and all the information from the website is accessible on your handheld device.
We are looking for suggestions to make our App more user-friendly and provide a more comprehensive service. If you have any suggestions for additions to the information already provided please let us know.